Articles tagged with: home


Protect your home & valuables - Top tips!

How can I better protect my valuables at home?

Protect your home & valuables - Top tips!
As the summer draws to an end, many of us are heading back to work after holidays abroad or staycations here in the UK. Some of you may be teachers or parents who have had most of the holidays off and have thusly spent a lot of time coming to and from your home all day long. In short, a lot of us have spent more time at home than we would normally do and now that the new academic year is upon us, some of your homes may suddenly become vacant from 9am-5pm again.

During the holiday periods, routines are often lacking, which means that suspecting burglars have a more difficult task on their hands. So now that we are leaving the joy of summer behind, what can you do to keep your home a bit safer?

Home Insurance Claim

Is it always easy?

Home Insurance Claim

Home insurance is one of the most important policies that any homeowner will have. It provides reassurance, peace of mind and the very real financial support you need if something goes wrong in your home. A burst pipe, a leak in your roof, a broken window: these problems can cause a lot of trouble, endless worrying and some choice words when it feels like it’s all going wrong. This is when your home insurance policy becomes invaluable. We often do not have the means to fix such large scale issues and even the small scale ones can come at the wrong time.


‘Tis the season to be burgled – Don’t let your home be a target this Christmas

Top tips on making the burglars think twice this festive season

‘Tis the season to be burgled – Don’t let your home be a target this Christmas

During the festive season, crime is probably the last thing on your mind. It is a time for merriment, family, relaxation and indulgence. However, it is also the time that we leave our homes to experience all of the aforementioned and thus this can be the perfect time for a burglar to take advantage of your absence.


A cosy home this winter - Top tips

How can I keep my home cosy this winter?

A cosy home this winter - Top tips
Reports are saying we are in for a cold one this coming winter, as we move further into autumn you will probably be considering your home this winter—especially those gas and electric bills! So how can you keep your home warm this winter, without racking up a ridiculous bill or causing any other hazardous issues. Let’s see.

Security & Safety tips and tricks

Keeping you and your home safe

Security & Safety tips and tricks

It's an age old saying that an Englishmans home is his castle, so of course you want to feel safe and be safe in the confides of your own property. There are ways to help make sure this stays the case, and below there are some handy tips to help you along the way.